Deposit Interest Rate

Fixed Deposit Interest Rate

Sr.NoPeriod Int.Rate effect Fromregular Citizen Senior Citizen Bulk Deposit
1.30 days To 90 Days01.10.20224.50%5.00%5.00%
2.91 days To 180 Days01.10.20225.00%5.50%5.50%
3.181 days To 395 Days01.10.20225.50%6.00%6.00%
4.13 Months To 24 Months01.10.20226.45%6.75%6.75%
5.25 Months To 60 Months01.10.20226.00%6.50%6.50%
6.Above 60 Months01.10.20225.50%6.00%6.00%

Note: Senior Citizen Age above 60 Years.

Singal Bulk Deposit Amount Rs.15 lakh & above.

“धन वर्धिनी मुदत ठेव”

Fixed Deposit Interest Rate (BoD Dated 30.11.2022)

Sr No.PeriodInterest Rate Effect FromRegular CitizenSenior CitizenBulk Deposit
1. 30 days To 24 months17.12.20226.75%7.25%7.25%
2 25 months To Above17.12.20226.50%7.00%7.00%